2025 Season – Aug. 26, 2024 through Aug. 24, 2025
*Eligible for the TAKE2 Jet Run Award.
Updated through 2/11/25 for the 2025 Season
Horse’s Name | Horse’s Jockey Club Name | Registrant’s First Name | Registrant’s Last Name |
*Bourbon Rising | Bourbon Rising | Ashley | Stump |
*Dream Come True | Dan and Red | Stephanie | Hartranft |
*Excuse My French | Excuse My French | Rebecca | Jones |
*Italian Syndicate | Italian Syndicate | Michael | Kvistad |
*Jersey Fresh | Jersey Fresh | Caitlan | Brooks |
*Murphy’s Irish Stout | Be Fierce | Colleen | Atchison |
*Nickel Ride | Candy Major | Breanna | Moore |
*Noble Road | Noble Road | Kristen | Heslin |
*Peaceable | Peaceable | Claudette | Joshi |
*Perfect Imperfection | Jardin de Giverny | Sarah | Laderman |
*Soaring Star | Soaring Star | Amanda | Vance |
*Sunset Boulevard | Ready to Show | Katie | Gardner |
*Tenderfoot | Tenderfoot | Ashley | Stump |
*Turnagain Tide | Turnagain Tide | Kimberly | Fenn |
A Lil Evil | A Lil Evil | Kathryn | Currey |
Absolute Bullet Proof | Royal Valentine | Gabby | Danz |
After Joe | After Joe | Charity | Donnan |
Al | Greenhouse Effect | Charity | Donnan |
Alien Invasion | Alien Invasion | Lori | Miller |
All Class No Color | All Class No Color | Gwen | DePolis |
Ante Vera | Ante Vera | Natalie | Gordon |
As You Wish | Skiptothelane | Elizabeth | McConnaughey |
Ballerino | Ballerino | Jean | Bickley |
Bangkok | Bangkok | Jenna | Fines |
Bankingonthedude | Bankingonthedude | Elise | Osborn |
Bayside | Irish Eddie k | Lauren | Vanderzicht |
Beam Me Up | Gold Room Scotty | Max | Beehler |
Best Day Ever | Warrior Chief | Lexi | LaLuna |
Biker | Biker | Charity | Donnan |
Black Dog’s Shmoke Show | Tom’s My Friend | Maggie | Boyle |
Born for a Storm | Born for a Storm | Phoebe | Brown |
Brother Martin | Brother Martin | Sophia | Wilson |
Capture The Music | Capture The Music | Pauline | Lampshire |
Citizen’s Fire | Citizen’s Fire | Kirsten | VanderBurg |
Copper Cruise | Ronnie Clark | M.Gillian | Sims |
Country This | Country This | Bonita | Herrmann Navin |
Creo | Creo | Rebecca | Weik |
Cruz Control P1 | Cape Hedge | Cocofrancesca | Kralick |
Dermontti | Beehive Basin | Heather | Terdan |
Diamante | Master Diamond | Jordan | DeSantis |
Duplikate Kopy | Untouchable Lauren | Christy | Lyons |
Entheos | Entheos | Erica | Fornwall |
Escaped Reality | Escaped Reality | Jessica | Walker |
Esoteric Dean’s List | Band of Demons | Jamie | Revard |
Forgotten Lore | Forgotten Lore | Devin | Handy |
Former Marine | Former Marine | Kate | Mahood |
Frenchie | Frenchie | Catherine | Jeffcoat |
Frequency | Frequency | Jodi | Carr |
General Frosty | General Frosty | Lauren | Kelly |
Gio Lemon | Gio Lemon | Caden | Nolt |
Gold Label | Time Will Tell | John | Beebe |
Greyscale | Greyscale | Jennifer | Rayburn DeHay |
Hall N Oates | Lord Lexington | Anne | Crawley |
HE Clean Slayte | Edzo | Kate | Jones |
Hello kitty | Hello Princess | Agata | Blaszczyk |
Hemingway | Tecate | Astra | Wallace |
High Minded | High Minded | Adria | Murphy |
Hollywood | Document | Amanda | Prescott |
Ifwhizkycouldtalk | Ifwhizkycouldtalk | Catherine | Brown |
Imagine It | Imagine It | Bonita | Herrmann |
Indigo Midnight | Indigo Midnight | Patricia | Hurter |
Irascibull | Irascibull | Susan and Frank | Seman |
It’s Mo Fun | It’s Mo | Sara | Graham |
Jack | By All Means | Charity | Donnan |
King’s Vision | King’s Vision | Lucinda | Finley |
Lear Avia | Lear Avia | Jazz | Napravnik |
Leather and Lacey | Leather and Lacey | Carrie | McCurrach |
Live in the Moment | Live in the Moment | Ellie | Armistead |
Longshore | Longshore | Katherine | Wiedmann |
Loverly | Keep Loving | Melanie | Roy |
Lucky Penguin | Lucky Penguin | Lauren | Vanderzicht |
Major Union | Painted Rags | Victoria | Aleong |
Makin a Statement | Feet Included | Camryn | Downey |
Malacrianza | Malacrianza | Samuelle | Leerkamp |
Mariner | Mariner | Cathy | Hoeft |
Matador | Music of the Night | Caelan | Bell |
Mavis | Mavis | Cleanth | Toledano |
Meadow Magic | Meadow Magic | Alissa | Facciolo |
Mighty Happy | Mighty Happy | Jinty | Weber |
Montevallo | Curt Fun Way | Julie | Gass |
Moonlightnmidnight | Moonlightnmidnight | Ayse | Cetinkaya |
My High Roller | My High Roller | Sergio | de Sousa |
My Shot | Nickerdoodle | Jessica | Hartley |
Nine Links | Nine Links | Patricia | Hurter |
O’Rion | Heavenly Executive | Pochron | Dayna |
Officer’s Oath | Officer’s Oath | Emily | Day |
One Spark | Acting | Melissa | Larson |
Othello | Tox Boss | Julie | Gass |
Out of the Blu | Ironic | George | Butoi-Teodorescu |
Phlash Phelps | Phlash Phelps | Meredith | Kearney |
Portinari | Portinari | Scott | Morrison |
Powderhorn Heat | Powderhorn Heat | Karen | Mayo |
Promenade Home | Promenade Home | Danielle | Molnar |
Puzzle Games | Dapers Drink | Phoenix | Hill |
Quality Bird | Quality Bird | Agata | Blaszczyk |
Quiet Prospector | Quiet Prospector | Julie | Gass |
Rain Ruler | Rain Ruler | Jamie | Roof |
Reign Charm | Reign Charm | Carrie | McCurrach |
Riddle Me This | Scoreoneforpj | Grace | Nelson |
Roseau | Roseau | Kimberly | O’Donnell |
Rumi | Black Mac | Jaclyn | Hagberg |
Second Love | Second Love | Traudi | Miller -Moss |
Shadys Keeper | Shadys Keeper | Andrea | Klinefelter |
Sherwood Forest | Sherwood Forest | Jessica | Vick |
Smooth Criminal | Daredevil Carl | Karlie | Dennis |
Southbeachsandy | Southbeachsandy | Kelly | Lasher |
Spectacular Pirate | Spectacular Pirate | Allison | Cox |
Stealin’ Your Thunder | Stealinyourthunder | Samantha | Mummert |
Suave Juan | Suave Juan | Audrey | Buoniconti |
Suntory Time | Bigb’s Anniversary | H. Brooke | Dagnan |
Tap It Easy | Tap It Easy | Mara | Hernandez |
Teddi Tendergrass | Teddi Tendergrass | Jessica | Harrison |
The Girl Next Door | AP Jetstream | Raines | Gammon |
Things to Ponder | Things to Ponder | Hannah | Fatehdin |
Tin Delay | Tin Delay | Riley | Hensley |
Tonalistic | Tonalistic | Samantha | Erwin |
Tulley | Tulley | Anne | Chappell |
Tuxedo Sunday | Tuxedo Sunday | Grace | Bernhardt |
Unbridled Bull | Unbridled Bull | Susan | Berg |
Untitled Storm | Untitled Storm | Kim | Brunson |
Urban Recovery | Urban Recovery | Sarah | Hunter |
Venturesome | Chief’s Spokesman | Alison | Wichman |
What Ale’s You | Fairy Surprise | Tameron | Petersen |
White Oaks Joyride | Melon Man | Kristiane | Pellegrino |
Winter’s Party | Winter’s Party | Angela | Netoskie |
Wizofwallstreet | Wizofwallstreet | Jane | Dejno |
Wordsmith | Big Willie | Lyn | Brus |